Acquisition of Clitics the State of the Art Tsakali 2014


The paper describes a new Text Preprocessing Pipeline based on a Hybrid approach which involve rule-based and stochastic approaches. The presented pipeline is part of a larger project titled Large Data for Multi-Amanuensis Specialized System developed by Network Contacts in collaboration with University of Salerno and other institutional partners. The aim of the project is to build an Hybrid Question Answering Organization composed by sets of Dialog Bots able to process great volumes of information. Due to the importance of unstructured textual data, a particular focus of the project is on automatic processing of Text. The newspaper will describe the three main modules of the preprocessing pipeline, which involve a Style Correction Module, a Clitic Decomposition Module and a POS Tagging and Lemmatization Module.


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    Network Contacts is one of the major national thespian in BPO services (Business organization Process Outsourcing), CRM (Client Relationship Management), Digital Interaction and Phone call & Contact Eye.

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    With MWE nosotros make reference both to lemmatized MWE, e.g. carta di credito, which are listed in the Noesis base, and to a fix of MWE which are domain specific, e.g. all inclusive unlimited, for the domain of telecommunications.


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Maisto, A., Pelosi, S., Polito, G., Stingo, M. (2019). Automatic Text Preprocessing for Intelligent Dialog Agents. In: Barolli, L., Takizawa, K., Xhafa, F., Enokido, T. (eds) Web, Bogus Intelligence and Network Applications. WAINA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 927. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Proper noun: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-iii-030-15034-ane

  • Online ISBN: 978-three-030-15035-8

  • eBook Packages: Intelligent Technologies and Robotics Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)


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